Salubrious Sauerkraut

Some definitions before we begin;

Salubrious; favourable to or promoting health or well-being.

Sauerkraut; cabbage cut fine and fermented in a brine made of its own juice with salt.

Altogether in a sentence; This sauerkraut is salubrious and made me a healthy cat. Yummo!

Last year we got fancy and brought you some content that all the kids are doing. A little video showcasing the benefits of sauerkraut. Not quite a TikTok dance, but not not a TikTok dance. We’ll let you, the people decide…

We even ran a little competition at the time and gave away a few of our beloved purple concoctions. What a time to be a human!

Well, now in 2023 we’re going back to basics and giving you the benefits of the kraut in written form. That’s right, no fancy music, dancing to the beat or jump cuts. Just words on paper. Or the screen, as it is. We’re not that old!!

Here’s a photo of some sauerkraut in a glass because you should envisage what 1 cup of the stuff is so the wisdom we’re about to drop on you truly hits home. Let’s get it…

Salubrious Sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut is a superfood. Simple as. During the fermentation process, the microorganisms on the cabbage digest the natural sugars and convert to carbon dioxide and organic acids. How rad? Here’s a list of a bunch of the really important numbers you have to have each day or you’ll vanish into oblivion, just from eating one whole cup of the stuff - refer back to the photo above - we told you ;).

We’d suggest with something but if you want a cup on it’s own, who are we to judge? (We will).

  • Calories: 27

  • Carbs: 6 grams

  • Copper: 15% of the DV

  • Fat: 0 grams

  • Fiber: 4 grams

  • Folate: 9% of the DV

  • Iron: 12% of the DV

  • Manganese: 9% of the DV

  • Potassium: 5% of the DV

  • Protein: 1 gram

  • Sodium: 41% of the Daily Value (DV)

  • Vitamin B6: 11% of the DV

  • Vitamin C: 23% of the DV

  • Vitamin K1: 15% of the DV

Improves your digestion

According to blokes who do science and stuff, there’s over 100 trillion microorganisms or “gut flora” within your gut, which is more than 10 times the total number of cells in your body. Our kraut contains probiotics, which is essentially good bacteria acting as the first line of defence against toxins and harmful bacteria. Sauerkraut can also improve your digestion and overall health! Lovely.

Boosts your immune system

Sauerkraut is a source of immune-boosting probiotics and nutrients.

For starters, the bacteria that populate your gut can have a strong influence on your immune system. The probiotics found in sauerkraut may help improve the balance of bacteria in your gut, which helps keep your gut lining healthy.

A stronger gut lining helps prevent unwanted substances from “leaking” into your body and causing an immune response

May help you lose weight

Regularly consuming sauerkraut may help you lose weight and keep it off.

That’s partly because sauerkraut, like most vegetables, is low in calories and high in fiber. High fiber diets keep you fuller for longer, which may help you naturally reduce the number of calories you eat each day

Some of the other benefits include;

Helps reduce stress and maintain brain health

May promote heart health - There is a myriad of vitamins contained within, including vitamin K2 which is boss

Contributes to stronger bones

Enjoy the benefits next time you’re cooking. It’s simple to add to any meal, whether it be breakfast with eggs, lunch on a sanga, or as a side with any main meal at dinner.

What do you think?

How do you like Sauerkraut?

Or do you think it’s a bit shit.

Let us know - - we don’t bite.
It’s an email after all. If you tell us in person we will probably bite.


The man behind Ted Fermen.